
therapy for growth, Healing and lasting change


voted top 10 therapy providers!


At Life By Design Therapy, our mission has always been to provide exceptional therapy services that empower individuals to live their lives to the fullest. Being acknowledged as one of the top providers in our field reaffirms our commitment to delivering the highest quality care.

We are incredibly proud of our team of skilled and compassionate therapists who work so hard to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients. 

As we move forward, we remain committed to expanding our services and continually improving our offerings to meet your evolving needs. Our dedication to providing outstanding care will always remain at the heart of what we do.

~ Melody Wright, Founder

Our services

Individual Therapy

Teen Therapy

Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

Child Therapy

Family Therapy

Workshops & Groups


the way we do therapy


Are you tired of feeling stuck and overwhelmed by life's challenges?

Talking about our problems is a good start, but it may not be enough to help us grow and change in the long term.

That's where holistic therapy comes in - a comprehensive approach that considers all aspects of our being for true healing and personal growth.

And for those looking for a unique way to manage physical symptoms, somatic therapy is a groundbreaking approach. With body-centered and mindfulness-based techniques, you can start feeling better physically and emotionally.

So why settle for just talking about your struggles? Take the next step towards a more fulfilling life with holistic and somatic therapy.


what people are saying


Meet Our Therapists


Our blog


NAVIGATING ANXIETY Together: A guide to supporting your partner

In the complex dynamics of relationships, we might find ourselves stepping into roles that require not just love and companionship but also patience, understanding, and support. If your partner struggles with anxiety, it might feel like you both are navigating through rough seas, where every wave of worry and fear has the potential to disrupt the stability of your relationship. Anxiety comes in various forms and it can cast a shadow over even the brightest moments...

The Journey Within: 10 Ways to Conquer self-doubt

Do you ever find yourself wrestling with doubts about your abilities, worth, or place in the world? If you answered “yes”, we want you to know that you're not alone. Self-doubt is a common experience that can plague even the most confident people. It has the ability to cast shadows of uncertainty on our thoughts and actions. Yet,   you have the potential for profound transformation—a journey from self-doubt to self-love. In this blog post, we'll explore some actionable steps to replace self-doubt…

Mindfulness & Relationships: How Being Present can strengthen connections

Life seems to demand so much of us lately, and in the midst of our busy lives, the essence of being fully present in the moment often gets lost. It’s no secret that our world is digitally-driven and because of that we might find ourselves continually multitasking with our minds racing from one thing to another. This lack of mindfulness can take a toll on various aspects of our lives, including our relationships. In this blog, we'll explore the significant impact mindfulness…